Secure Communication

Like many FS business email is the most popular form of electronic communication, but it is not secure.

Sending sensitive personal data by normal email leaves you susceptible to cyber-crime and in turn may contravene legislation.

Failure to comply might expose your clients or businesses with whom you work, to immeasurable damage and leave you open to financial and reputational risk. Data protection legislation (GDPR) requires us all to protect our customers’ data.

Complete FS has partnered with Beyond Encryption, who are an ISO27001 certified company that specialises in technology for many of the world’s most reputable financial institutions to deliver secure digital engagement platforms. Their innovative product ‘MAILOCK’ gives us the total protection we need to send data securely.

  • Mailock is easily used via the Web, Microsoft Outlook for Windows and Apple iOS/Android mobile devices
  • Secure your outbound emails with a simple Q & A challenge process
  • No cost for your customer to read and reply to your secure email
  • Check whether your secure email has been opened and revoke access at any point
  • Meet GDPR requirements – confirm the recipient is the intended party
  • Brand your secure emails to reassure recipients they are authentic
  • Reduce your carbon footprint by sending secure emails rather than posting sensitive documents
  • Set up your company users in a few simple steps on the Admin Console
  • Integrate with your CRM system and other connected apps with our Exchange API

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How Mailock Works

Our Mailock system can be used via the web or seamlessly integrates with your Microsoft Outlook for Windows email client enabling you to send and receive email securely as part of your normal work flow.

For £8.50 per month per user you can keep your clients data protected too.
If your emails are not secure, you can register now & take a 14 day free of charge trial.


Beyond Encryption is an ISO27001 certified company that specialises in technology for our customers’ digital transformation journey. We develop technology for many of the world’s most reputable financial institutions to deliver secure digital engagement platforms.

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